Celebrate Housekeeping Week: Making Every Day Special for Your Team

National Housekeeping Week is an annual opportunity to spotlight the hardworking individuals who keep our spaces clean, comfortable, and welcoming. Housekeepers, from hotels to healthcare facilities, play an essential role in creating safe and enjoyable environments.

While verbal praise and thank-yous are always appreciated, going the extra mile during Housekeeping Week with creative celebrations can make a lasting impact. If you’re looking for fresh ways to show appreciation, here are some ideas to make each day of Housekeeping Week special for your team.

Themed Days of Fun and Appreciation

Kick-off Housekeeping Week with themed days encouraging team spirit, engagement, and fun. Here’s an example of how you can structure the week:

  • Treat your team to mini relaxation sessions. Bring a massage therapist for short chair massages, offer calming essential oils, or set up a space with cozy chairs, soft music, and snacks for housekeepers to unwind during their breaks.
  • Encourage everyone to wear their team colors or housekeeper-branded shirts. To boost camaraderie, organize fun team-building activities such as trivia contests, scavenger hunts, or friendly competitions with small prizes.
  • Offer wellness-oriented gifts such as water bottles, fitness trackers, or healthy snack baskets. During lunch breaks, you can also schedule fitness classes like yoga or Zumba to promote mental and physical health.
  • Have management and other team members write personalized thank-you notes to each housekeeper, recognizing specific achievements and hard work. Decorate a break room wall with the notes to create a “Gratitude Wall.”
  • Cater a special meal for your housekeeping team, complete with their favorite dishes or desserts. Use this time to acknowledge individual contributions, hand out certificates of appreciation, and offer public recognition for their efforts.

Surprise Gift Bags or Care Packages

Everyone loves a surprise! Brighten your team’s day with thoughtful gift bags filled with valuable and personal items. Consider including:

  • Personalized water bottles or coffee mugs
  • Quality cleaning supplies
  • Fun socks or hats for those who work in colder conditions
  • Small gift cards to local cafes or grocery stores
  • Self-care items like lotion, lip balm, or candles

Adding a handwritten thank-you note to each bag makes the gesture even more meaningful.

Raffles with Meaningful Prizes

Organize daily or weekly raffle drawings with exciting prizes for your housekeeping staff. You could offer things like:

  • Paid time off
  • Gift cards to restaurants, grocery stores, or online shopping platforms
  • Experiences such as spa days or concert tickets
  • High-quality household items, such as luxury linens, cookware, or home appliances

Ensure everyone has an equal chance to win, creating excitement and anticipation throughout the week.

Public Recognition

Share the celebration with the world by highlighting your housekeeping team on your company’s social media platforms. Create posts introducing individual team members, showcasing their years of service, favorite aspects of the job, or personal achievements. Acknowledge their work publicly and invite customers and other staff members to leave comments of appreciation.

Customized Housekeeping Week Swag

Boost morale by creating customized “Housekeeping Week” merchandise. Personalized T-shirts, tote bags, or lanyards with the team’s name or slogan will make your housekeeping staff feel extraordinary. You can even turn this into a fun design contest, letting team members submit their ideas and vote for the final look.

Recognition and Awards

End the week on a high note with a special awards ceremony that acknowledges the outstanding contributions of your housekeeping team. Create categories for different awards, such as:

  • Best Team Player
  • Most Customer Compliments
  • Attention to Detail Award
  • Longest Tenure

Present each winner with a trophy or certificate of achievement. This public recognition and thoughtful prizes will leave a lasting impression on your housekeeping team.

Surprise Room Makeover

If your team works in a hotel, healthcare facility, or office environment, surprise them by giving their break room a makeover. Create a relaxing space with comfortable seating, fresh decor, and added amenities like a coffee machine, a fridge stocked with healthy snacks, or new entertainment options like a T.V. or board games. A refreshed break room can enhance their comfort and show your appreciation for all they do.

Give Back with Community Service

Many housekeeping teams are passionate about giving back to the community. Organize a charitable event where housekeeping staff can participate, such as a food or clothing drive or volunteering at a local shelter. Not only does this reinforce a sense of team spirit, but it also allows housekeepers to impact outside of work positively.

Housekeeping Week Hall of Fame

Create a permanent “Housekeeping Hall of Fame” for facilities with large housekeeping teams that recognize long-term service and outstanding contributions. Dedicate a space in the workplace where plaques or framed photos of standout housekeepers are displayed. This will serve as a reminder all year round of the importance and value of their work.


From personalized gifts and fun activities to public recognition and charitable events, your efforts will show how much you value your housekeeping team.

Housekeeping Week is the perfect opportunity to celebrate and honor the incredible work your housekeeping team does every day. By incorporating creative and thoughtful celebrations, you can make every day of this special week unforgettable.

This year, make Housekeeping Week special for your team—they deserve it!

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